
Showing posts with the label Lego Serious Play

Empowering Leaders Through Play

“empowering leaders through mindfulness and lego serious play" - Powered by Dall-E 3. Executive Coaching with Mindfulness and Lego Serious Play (LSP) in Aberdeen, Scotland. At MindfulPlayUK, we believe in the power of combining Executive Coaching with the innovative practices of Mindfulness and LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (LSP). We're a team of mindful coaching and facilitation consultants based in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, passionate about helping leaders unlock their potential and drive positive change within their organizations. Here's why our coaching approach is unique: Mindfulness: Our coaches are trained in Mindfulness practices, fostering a space for self-awareness and deeper reflection during the coaching process. This allows leaders to connect with their identity and purpose on a deeper level. LEGO SERIOUS PLAY: LSP is a revolutionary facilitation tool that uses LEGO® bricks to spark creativity and problem-solving. By building 3D models, leaders can explor

Halfway There: Why Not Conduct a Mid-Year Review?

“a pictogram of summer" - Powered by Dall-E 3. We are halfway through June! How on Earth did that happen? I can’t quite get my head around that one. It feels like the year has only just begun, and yet here we are halfway through… So, given this time warp, it's a perfect time to take stock of your progress, both personally and professionally. Here's how to conduct a meaningful mid-year review that sets you up for success in the remaining months. Taking Inventory Goals Revisited: Recall the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Did you achieve any? Are some in progress? Be honest about what needs to be adjusted or let go of. Highlight Achievements: It's easy to focus on what hasn't been accomplished. Celebrate your wins, big or small! Did you master a new skill? Take on a challenging project? Publicly acknowledge yourself or discuss it with a trusted friends or colleagues! Addressing Challenges Roadblocks and Obstacles: What

Unleash Your Inner Child and Learn Through Play

“international day of play in a work context" - Powered by Dall-E 3. Why Play Matters for Adults on International Day of Play (and Every Day). Today, Tuesday 11th June 2024, marks the first-ever International Day of Play, a celebration championed by the United Nations to recognise the fundamental right – and importance – of play in a child's life. But what about adults? Should we leave building blocks and creativity behind? Absolutely not! Play isn't just for kids. In fact, incorporating playful elements into coaching, mindfulness practices and techniques like LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® can unlock a treasure trove of benefits for adults as well. Here's why: The Power of Play in Coaching Think coaching is all about serious chats and structured exercises? Think again! Playful activities can create a safe space for exploration, fostering trust and open communication between coach and client. Imagine using role-playing games to practice difficult conversations or buildi

Embarking on a Quest: The Hero’s Journey in Life or in Business

“the business hero’s journey inspired by tarot" - Powered by Dall-E 3. This is an article that I have been cultivating for a while and finally today I feel is the day to post it. Joseph Campbell, a renowned professor of literature and mythologist, identified a universal cross-cultural story structure: the Hero's Journey. This narrative arc takes our hero from their ordinary world, through trials and triumphs, to a transformative return. This storytelling template can be a surprisingly insightful tool when applied to understanding whereabouts you may be in your own business or life process. Now without wanting to come across as overly “woo woo”, the Tarot also provides a rich tapestry of symbolism for this process, and woven together these two powerful tools can help you to guide you on your own quest. This article is not about fortune-telling - far from it - it is about using tools to help understand whereabouts you find yourself along the hero’s cyclical model. As

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Image In the UK this week, 13th – 19th May, it is Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year, chosen by the Mental Health Foundation, is " Movement: Moving More for Our Mental Health ". Physical activity is a powerful tool that can significantly boost our emotional wellbeing. Whether it's a brisk walk in nature, a dance session in your kitchen, or some tai-chi, getting our bodies moving can have a profound impact on our minds. Why Move for Mental Health? Exercise releases endorphins, natural mood elevators that combat feelings of stress and anxiety. It can also improve sleep quality, a crucial factor for mental wellbeing. Additionally, physical activity can be a form of mindfulness, helping us focus on the present moment and reduce negative thoughts. Finding Your #MomentsForMovement The beauty of this year's theme is that movement isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. There are countless ways to get active and improve your mental

When Wrong is Right: Learning from Failure through Play

@intHRface EDIT: 22.04.2024 - Conference Title Updated! This week's article is all about what I perceive to be, without a doubt. the most exciting work-related event in my diary every year and I am so looking forward to it. If you are a trained facilitator of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, this is certainly something that may be of interest to you. Event: The 8th International LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Conference Dates: Wednesday 2nd - Thursday 3rd October 2024 Location: Hotel Legoland and Conference, Billund, Denmark This conference takes an unconventional approach, using the concept of "the right kind of wrong" to challenge traditional views on mistakes. Through LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® exercises and inspiration from world-class facilitators, you'll explore how to learn from mistakes, embrace innovation, and avoid becoming boring! Traditional View of Mistakes: Typically, mistakes are seen as something negative, leading to failure and needing to be avo

I am a Mental Health First Aider

@MHFAEngland Over the last week or so I have been listening to the podcast series “ Exploring Mental Health in Coaching ” by the Association for Coaching. I think in I am right in saying that pretty much every single episode mentioned Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). Mental Health First Aid is essentially first aid for mental health concerns. Just like regular first aid equips you to handle physical emergencies, MHFA teaches you to recognise signs of mental health issues, provide initial support, and guide people towards professional help. In June 2019, before I started my coach training and after I had gained my MSc in Mindfulness , I attended the Adult MHFA Two Day course and became a Mental Health First Aider. This equips me with the skills to provide first aid to people experiencing mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and psychosis. As a Mental Health First Aider, I am able to offer support to those in need. Even though I live in Scotland, the course was delive

The Four Pillars: A Unique Approach to Transformation

"themes of coaching, lego serious play, mindfulness and shamanism” powered by DALL-E 3. In this exploration, I want to bring together the four pillars that underpin my approach to personal and professional transformation and development: Coaching, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, Mindfulness, and Shamanism. These seemingly disparate elements might surprise you, but together they form a powerful framework for self-discovery, growth, and achieving your goals. Let's delve deeper into each pillar and how they could contribute to your journey: 1. Coaching: Your Trusted Guide Coaching forms the foundation of our work together. As your coach, I'll act as your supportive guide, asking thought-provoking questions that help you gain clarity on your goals and challenges. Through active listening and personalized guidance, I'll empower you to tap into your own strengths and resources to navigate your path forward. 2. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: Reimagine Your Possibilities Get ready to u

Beyond the Keyboard: Where Do We Find Our Zen?

"Zen Meeting Room, Japan" by stefanx80 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. In my previous post, I surprisingly delved into the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – a world where data analysis and cleanup can be a source of both joy and creativity. But as I found myself wrapped up in the digital realm, it's important to remember: our lives extend far beyond the keyboard. So, where do you find your zen, your place of genuine peace and fulfilment? For me, the answer might (or might not) surprise you. Yes, I find a certain satisfaction in the logic and problem-solving aspects of data analysis. But true zen comes from stepping away from the screen and connecting with the real tangible world. Whether it's spending time in nature, losing myself in the world of LEGO, or simply enjoying quality time with loved ones, these moments of unplugged presence are what truly recharge me. And also this is possibly why I am transitioning away from a being a full-time IT consultan

Freedom and Flexibility: Living my Life as a Digital Nomad

"Hiking the Tor in the very early morning" by Karen Grayburn. For the vast majority of my working life, I have been living as a digital nomad; going wherever the work is, and for the past two years, I have really owned, embraced and embodied this lifestyle. I have just spent a wonderful ten days in Wales and Glastonbury, connecting with friends, enjoying the sites, and yes, even getting some work done – all while basking in the freedom of the digital nomad lifestyle. And now I am back in Yorkshire for a couple of weeks, but of course, this is always subject to change depending on my diary! This type of lifestyle perfectly complements my own, but is it all fun, scenic backdrops and freedom? Here's my honest take on the pros and cons of this unique way of life: Pros: Location Independence: The biggest perk! My office is wherever I have Wi-Fi. Attend meetings in Cardiff one day, explore legendary sites in Glastonbury the next – all without missing a beat.

How LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Unlocks Freethinking

"Wild Legosaurs Spotted" by tico_24 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Yesterday, 28th January, the world celebrated the boundless creativity and problem-solving spirit of International LEGO® Day. This day marks the anniversary of the patent filing for the original LEGO® brick in 1958, a humble invention that has sparked the imaginations of generations of builders and dreamers. From the iconic 2x4 brick to the intricate worlds of LEGO® Technic and Harry Potter, these colourful blocks have the power to transport us to realms of endless possibility. And today, 29th January, we shift gears to celebrate Freethinkers Day. This day is dedicated to the unwavering pursuit of independent thought, critical inquiry, and the courage to challenge established beliefs. It's a day to honor the intellectual pioneers who have dared to question the status quo and pave the way for a more open and questioning world. While seemingly disparate, these two days share a deep connection. LEGO

Mindfulness and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: A Practical Guide

"lego-mini-figure-walker-6571821" by Ralf Ruppert (ralf1403) from Pixabay In today's fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find moments of peace and clarity. However, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that Mindfulness practices can help us to improve our focus, creativity, and well-being. One way to incorporate Mindfulness into your life is through LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, a methodology that uses hands-on learning to improve understanding and problem-solving. As part of my Masters’ research, I explored how the practice of Mindfulness can enhance LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It involves being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without getting caught up in them. How can Mindfulness benefit LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops? Mindfulness can benefit LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops in a number of ways. For example, it can help

Unlocking Inner Zen: How LEGO® Bricks Can Boost Your Mindfulness

"LEGO Adults welcome, Oosterflank, Rotterdam (2021)" by Donald Trung Quoc Don (Chữ Hán: 徵國單) is licensed under CC BY 4.0. … and Why Adults Are Obsessed! Remember the simple joy of snapping LEGO® bricks together as a child? Turns out, that pure focus and satisfaction aren't just nostalgia, they are the secret ingredients to a powerful dose of mindfulness in the modern world. If meditation mantras and scented candles are not your thing, LEGO® can become an unexpected (and delightful) gateway to mental well-being for adults seeking stress relief and creative expression. It's not just a trend, either. Research shows that the repetitive, tactile nature of building with LEGO® activates neural pathways associated with calmness and focus, effectively reducing anxiety and improving cognitive function. Here's why LEGO® can be the ultimate adult mindfulness tool: Hands-on focus: Building with LEGO® requires present-moment awareness, directing your attention away fr

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

"Merry Christmas!" by Nick-K (Nikos Koutoulas) is licensed under CC BY 2.0. A Christmas Poem In a world of coaching, facilitation, and play, Where mindful coaches help us along the way, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is the tool we hold, To build our dreams and stories untold. With bricks of every colour, we craft our desires, From castles of happiness to bridges of fires, Our minds expand, our spirits soar, As we create a world that's ours to explore. The mindful coach, with gentle embrace, Guiding our thoughts, with a patient pace, We learn to focus, to breathe, to be still, In the midst of Christmas' hustle and thrill. LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, a magical art, Bringing creativity to life from the start, We build connections, we share our delight, In this Christmas season, oh so bright. So gather your bricks, and let us play, In this mindful and playful ballet, With LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, we'll find our way, To a Christmas filled with joy and light, in every w