
From Seed to Story: A Writing Experiment

The Zephyr and The Labyrinth" - Powered by Dall-E 3. I’ve always been a fan of experimenting with new tools and technologies, so when I heard about the capabilities of AI language models, I was intrigued. I decided to give it a try and see if it could be a useful tool in my writing process. The results were fascinating. I started with a simple prompt: "Give me five random nouns." The AI obliged and gave me: Zephyr , Labyrinth , Equinox , Serendipity , and Nebula . From there, I asked the AI to create a story using those nouns, translate it into different languages, and even write it in a specific style. Here are the AI prompts I used: Give me five random nouns Create me a story with only 500 words using these nouns Make it more British Translate it into French Now translate into Spanish Back into English Expand to 500 words AI gave me a story with 538 words and so I looked at all the iterations that the process gave me after eac

When It is OK Not To Share: A Blogger's Quandary

“A Field of Dreams" by Karen Grayburn. The weekend just gone was absolutely incredible. What a fantastic and fabulous time. A gathering of friends of thirty-odd years in a field in Aberdeenshire for three days - and prepping the festival area for five days before that. It was a delight! I want to blog about it, but it seems just too sacred an experience to share openly. Blogging and content-writing is often seen as a platform for open and honest expression. A space where we share our thoughts, experiences, and passions with the world. But what happens when you have something burning to say, something that feels important and genuine, yet it's simply not appropriate to share publicly? It's a frustrating dilemma. You grapple with the urge to connect with your audience on a deeper level, to be truly authentic. But there's a line, a boundary that must be respected. Perhaps it's a personal matter that could hurt others, or something that might be misinterpreted an

The Mindful Coaching and Facilitation Advantage

“understand knowledge management, practice mindfulness and play seriously" - Powered by Dall-E 3. We Understand Knowledge Management. We Practice Mindfulness. We Play Seriously. In today’s fast-paced, information-rich world, organizations often grapple with the challenge of transforming vast amounts of data into actionable insights. This is where the expertise of Mindful Coaching and Facilitation Consultants becomes invaluable. We are not merely knowledge managers; we are catalysts for transformation, leveraging the power of mindfulness to unlock the true potential within individuals and teams. Understanding Knowledge Management At the core of our approach lies a deep understanding of knowledge management. We recognize that knowledge is more than just data; it's a dynamic asset that requires careful curation, sharing, and application. Our expertise enables us to: Identify knowledge gaps: We delve into the heart of your organization to pinpoint areas where knowled

Empowering Leaders Through Play

“empowering leaders through mindfulness and lego serious play" - Powered by Dall-E 3. Executive Coaching with Mindfulness and Lego Serious Play (LSP) in Aberdeen, Scotland. At MindfulPlayUK, we believe in the power of combining Executive Coaching with the innovative practices of Mindfulness and LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (LSP). We're a team of mindful coaching and facilitation consultants based in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, passionate about helping leaders unlock their potential and drive positive change within their organizations. Here's why our coaching approach is unique: Mindfulness: Our coaches are trained in Mindfulness practices, fostering a space for self-awareness and deeper reflection during the coaching process. This allows leaders to connect with their identity and purpose on a deeper level. LEGO SERIOUS PLAY: LSP is a revolutionary facilitation tool that uses LEGO® bricks to spark creativity and problem-solving. By building 3D models, leaders can explor

St Swithin's Day: Fact or Folklore?

“St. Swithin’s Day - 15 July - will it rain?" - Powered by Dall-E 3. Yesterday, Monday 15th July was St. Swithin’s Day, and it is a date firmly embedded in weather-related British folklore. According to tradition if it rains on this day, it’ll be wet for the following forty days. But who was St Swithin, and is there any truth to the old saying, "St Swithin's Day if thou dost rain, for forty days it will remain"? St Swithin was a 9th-century Bishop of Winchester, known for his humble and pious life. Following his death in 862, he requested a simple burial in the churchyard, exposed to the elements. Over a century later, when his remains were to be moved inside the cathedral, it is said that it rained continuously for 40 days, leading to the popular belief that the weather on St Swithin's Day would dictate the pattern for the next 40 days. The Weather Myth While the story is charming, there's no scientific evidence to support the St Swithin's Day w

A Solstice Adventure in Northumberland

“a sweatlodge in Northumberland" - Powered by Dall-E 3. For this year's summer solstice, I found myself back in Northumberland, immersed in a familiar yet ever-evolving fire and ice celebration that culminated in a powerful sweatlodge ceremony under the full moon. This wasn't my first dance with the solstices here – I had held the same roles, fire keeper, stone carrier, and holder of the space, during the previous winter solstice. Returning in the summer sun, it felt like we, the participants and the land itself, had book-ended the time in between the solstices. The event was a beautiful tapestry of contrasting elements. There was fire, ice, glass and arrow-breaking and the juxtaposition of these elements felt symbolic, a reminder of the delicate balance in nature and within ourselves. As the full moon rose on the Saturday and the long summer day was beginning to turn to dusk, casting an ethereal glow on the land, the focus shifted. My role transformed into that of t

Halfway There: Why Not Conduct a Mid-Year Review?

“a pictogram of summer" - Powered by Dall-E 3. We are halfway through June! How on Earth did that happen? I can’t quite get my head around that one. It feels like the year has only just begun, and yet here we are halfway through… So, given this time warp, it's a perfect time to take stock of your progress, both personally and professionally. Here's how to conduct a meaningful mid-year review that sets you up for success in the remaining months. Taking Inventory Goals Revisited: Recall the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Did you achieve any? Are some in progress? Be honest about what needs to be adjusted or let go of. Highlight Achievements: It's easy to focus on what hasn't been accomplished. Celebrate your wins, big or small! Did you master a new skill? Take on a challenging project? Publicly acknowledge yourself or discuss it with a trusted friends or colleagues! Addressing Challenges Roadblocks and Obstacles: What