One Week to Go! #LSPConf2024

LSP Conference and Advanced Trainings curated by intHRface Following on from my previous article where I recorded and publicly shared a video testimonial of me looking forward to attending the Annual LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Conference in Billund, here I am again with another video. 😊 These videos are like buses - you wait around for ages for one to turn up and then two turn up at the same time. Anyway, hopefully, maybe, this will be the last one for a while. 😄 #LSPConf2024 and the Advanced Trainings are held next week from Monday 30th September to Saturday 5th October 2024. If you are a facilitator of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials, you may want to consider it too. The details can he found here: lego-serious-play-conference-advanced-training Video Transcript: Hi! Me again! The LSP conference is sandwiched between three days of advanced trainings that can help you deepen your facilitation skills and take your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® expertise to the next level....